The schedule for VisionDevCamp mostly follows the hackathon-style format, taking place over a weekend from Friday afternoon through Sunday early evening. Unlike the pure hackathon format, however, we may have speakers and sessions, so it’s a bit of mix of between a conference and a hackathon. We’ve been producing events with this structure since the first iPhoneDevCamp in 2007.
The event is designed so that you can show up and focus on building great apps. We’ll provide you with space, food, power, Internet, and networking opportunities. You’ll provide your time and bring your own equipment to make the magic happen. You ideate, design, and code – leave the rest to us.
Expected Hours
- Friday (March 29, 2024): 5pm-10pm at Venue (TBD) (10pm onwards TBD by Venue)
- Saturday (March 30, 2024): 9am-10pm at Venue (TBD) (10pm onwards TBD by Venue)
- Sunday (March 31, 2024): 9am-6pm at Venue (TBD) (6pm onwards TBD by Venue)
Expected Schedule
The schedule for VisionDevCamp may evolve. Please check back as we get closer the event date. Here are the expected details so far (times are PDT):
Friday (March 29, 2024):
- 1500-1700 – Organizer’s Meetup with Volunteers
- 1700 – Doors Open
- 1700-1900 – Mixer with Food
- 1900-1930 – Welcome & Introductions
- 1930-2100 – Team Gathering and Idea Pitches
- 2200 – Doors Close (depending on the venue, the doors may remain open longer)
Friday will include at least four hours of unstructured time for teams to design and develop apps.
Saturday (March 30, 2024):
- 0900 – Continental Breakfast
- 0930 – Introductions
- 1000 – Keynote & Talks (TBD)
- 1300 – Lunch
- 1900 – Dinner
- 2200 – Doors Close (depending on the venue, the doors may remain open longer)
Saturday will include at least ten hours of unstructured time for teams to design and develop apps.
Sunday (March 31, 2024):
- 0900 – Continental Breakfast
- 1000 – Keynote & Talks (TBD)
- 1300 – Lunch
- 1200-1400 – Final Preparation for Hackathon
- 1400 – Hackathon Entries Due
- 1400-1700 – Hackathon Contest
- 1700-1730 – Awards
- 1730-1800 – Pack It Up
- 1800 – Doors Close (depending on the venue, the doors may remain open longer)
Sunday will include at least four hours of unstructured time for teams to design and develop apps.
The event will provide meals, drinks, and snacks. We will make every effort to accommodate special dietary restrictions, including, but not limited to vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, dairy-free, diabetic, kosher, and halal. During registration, we’ll ask you about your dietary needs to help us with event planning. Attendees may also bring their own food and non-alcoholic drinks to accommodate special needs.