VisionDevCamp Sponsors include ARound, Archipelago, Polygon, ShapesXR, UCSC Silicon Valley Extension, Unity, Waterfield Designs, and Zum.
VisionDevCamp Community Partners
Developer Camp
Augmented Reality Today
Founders, Inc.
Vision Pro Developers Online Meetup
We’re actively looking for sponsors to help make VisionDevCamp a success.
As a not-for-profit event, 100% of sponsor dollars go to the event production. The organizers and volunteers do not get paid. Any money left over from the event is allocated to the next event, although we always try to spend the full amount, generally towards Hackathon prizes.
We’re asking for a minimum commitment of $1,000. Sponsors who give more will be given increased visibility at the event. While we don’t have official tier levels, we provide larger dollar amount sponsors with increased logo sizes on sponsor banners and posters, top billing on the website, more speaking time during intros, primary table space near the stage, and additional passes for staff. We’re aiming for 20-30 sponsors this year.
In prior years, we have accepted giveaways from sponsors as a form of sponsorship. While we’re accepting giveaways, we will not be accepting giveaways in lieu of a cash sponsorship. Sponsors who are only able to provide giveaways will be thanked during the awards ceremony, but will not be eligible for the sponsor benefits listed below. If you do have giveaway ideas for the contest, please consider coupling that with a cash sponsorship of $1,000 or more for greater visibility at the event.
VisionDevCamp Sponsors receive:
- Listing on the event website – new sponsor blog entry, link in right nav, logo and link on Sponsors page (this page)
- Logo on sponsor signage at the event
- Logo displayed on overhead during portions of the event
- Speaking time at the event (short intros)
- Guaranteed attendance for two sponsor representatives at the event (more for larger sponsorship amounts)
- Table space at the event for handouts, signage, meetings, etc.
There is no organization running VisionDevCamp, just a group of organizers and volunteers. Therefore, we do our best to avoid playing the role of banker. Instead, we look for opportunities for sponsors to pay for costs directly, or pool together to pay for specific costs. We’re asking for financial commitments now, and will work out specifics as we get closer to the event.
Please email contact@visiondevcamp.org for sponsorship opportunities.
Sponsorship opportunities include:
- Meals & refreshments
- Friday night reception
- Badges
- T-Shirts
- Banners
- Awards & giveaways